As a nonpartisan multi-institutional research initiative focused on empowering community partners to gather valuable data and exercise their voice in public interest research, we provide team-science-based and customized research solutions for community organizations that engage in public knowledge sharing and the advancement of knowledge about structural justice. We bring data scientists, philosophers, policy experts, biostatisticians, health experts, lawyers, storytellers, data visualization experts, artists, new media journalists, and community stakeholders together to produce public interest scholarship on structural inequality that everyone can access, understand, and share in conversations about social inequality as a structural problem in the world today. And we do this while promoting the critical on-the ground work of community organizations and amplifying their platforms for social change. If you’re a community organization or nonprofit that is interested in partnering with us, please fill out the application form. RISC provides all work for community and 501c3 organizations at no-cost/pro bono.